Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dissolved Oxygen Content and Fish Populations in Water Coursework

Dissolved Oxygen Content and Fish Populations in Water - Coursework Example 6. Analyze results – Assume that your experiment produces results identical to those seen in Table 4, what type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the data and why? 6. Analyze results – Assume that your experiment produces results identical to those seen in Table 4, what type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the data and why? The best type of graph to be used will be a line graph. This type of graph best illustrates trends or behavior of the dependent variable (fish) against varying oxygen levels. The line graph helps the researcher easily monitor increases and declines in the variable over time.   7. Analyze results - Graph the data from Table 4 and describe what your graph looks like (you do not have to submit a picture of the actual graph!). For oxygen levels of between 0 and 4 ppm, the graph rises steadily but for values between 4 and 12 ppm, there is a sharp rise. However, there is a significant drop between levels of 12 and 14ppm, before again showing a steady rise between levels of 14 and 18ppm.   8. Draw conclusions - Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.   What conclusions can you make based on the results of this graph? Based on the results, fish thrive well in water with dissolved oxygen concentrations of about 12ppm. However, when the oxygen level is raised above this level, there is no significant increase in the number of fish but instead; a drop in fish populations may be witnessed. Therefore, 12ppm is the optimal level of dissolved oxygen for fish survival.  9. Draw conclusions – Assuming that your experiment produced results identical to those seen in Table 4, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 3?   Explain how you determined this. If my experimental results were to be identical to the above, I would accept my hypothesis. This is because the highest population of fish is witnessed at 12ppm dissolved oxygen level. This means that any values below the 12ppm will lead and this supports my hypothesis.

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